Sunday, November 14, 2010

steal the styrofoam seconds!!

When does everyday life become a chore??when does the work, the family the relatives and friends who make up your world seem to asphyxiate that sacrosanct  space you consider you!???

Every time i  read motivational quotations, i am amazed at the stuff anyone can write for others...stuff like...
  the day you wake up and you are not happy about who you are is the day you should change your life ....!!!. 
.whaaaaatt?? which world do these people live in ??
motivational speaker world for sure.....where there is only  only fluff and dribble ,  and  kids lunch, monthly instalments and tution fees don`t exist.. where you can just get up and do your "OWN THANG!".. and expect the world  to stand by and pat you on your back ... ...yet...

 aaaaah!.. the yet ... is living life honestly or sensibly..only snuffing out your joie di vivre,.. or strangling your soul??.. not really.. there can be mutual co existence... and thats a  nice path to find. and stay on !.
do you know the trick ?? STEAL AN HOUR A DAY FOR YOURSELF!
don`t follow the all or none rule... yet in your everyday  living .. create pockets of fun,.. spaces of silence, joy .. do the stuff you like to do .. and make the time to do it ...its not going to be easy .. but hey .. its  not for the lazy...!

we all have the 'styrofoam seconds' in our lives,.. the so called package material time that we squander between doing the  chores that matter ,.. well. pack tighly!... and steal the styrofoam!...  and save it up for one time in the day when you know you can enjoy it!.. for me its midnight,.. after all the rumble tumble of hospital, patients and moans and groans.. to come back to a hot bath  and my special time ,.. is like a sample sachet of heaven...
 try it sometime ...

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