Wednesday, November 10, 2010

it`s never too late to begin!

Ihave always been enamoured by the net!,.. it has changed a large sprawling disconnected world to a wonderful little space that you can navigate with a always seemed so new and way beyond my ken.i did the routine surfing, checking on the medical sites and other boring stuff,.. and then my daughter started her blog.....and internet turned on it`shead!
 well, i wrote  articles for my website ,.. but they were well thought out  epistles,.sensible ,informstive, medical knowledge or opinions.. but to be just able to write STUFF,.. things that you read and feel and just have to say..[ whether or not the world read it!]... it`s almost like standing at the edge of a cliff and screaming your name!]..the world may not care,..but the fact that you did it , exhilarating!...

that`s when i decided,..i need to write too.,.. need to scream and share and generally have fun with the thoughts in my head...let them run out on paper, make friends with other thoughts, it is time to begin...late??? naah.. it`s only too late if its on your epitaph!.. ha ha

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