Friday, November 11, 2011

health and the indian ostrich !

I have recently started writing for a doctor`s column for a post noon newspaper,...and it`s an interesting experience.. in this world of internet information, one still finds people who read newspaper columns and write in queries. the tough part though, is to reply without sounding like a boring teacher... or giving  too many gory details,thus scaring the pants off them!.

I sometimes i feel, a little fear is a good thing, as too many people seem to take health issues a little tooo easily.In india especially,.health is usually of no context of importance and budget.
Probably one reason the indian goverment works like this, is that it constitutes of indian people.!!. who,  do not believe to much in planning for, or forseeing bad times! if it were not for flora and fauna distribution,..the ostrich could have been our national bird!. 

The average indian would think of health, probably  after  festivities/ holidays/ kids/  schools/ /car , and the dog..and usually ignores anything related to health until the body squeals/shrieks and finally putters to a halt.....
once  the screeching halt stage happens, it is crisis management time.where one rushes to the doctor heaving and sighing..[usually on a sunday afternoon.].

After the crisis call on a cellphone number [given by a helpful friend who`s aunts daughter delivered with the unknown doctor],..they would probably make the poor lady go crazy managing the stuation..and once better vanish,.. follow ups do not exist in the indan scenario.,.only cliff hanger situations do,..when they will call again..usually sometime between midnight and 3 am on a saturday night into the future!..

.and yes ..[for those of you outside india chancing upon this blog... indian doctors are still gullible enough to hand out cell phone numbers.,..though something tells me that will change VERY soon!.ha  ha !]..

The sarcasm apart,.. it is heartbreaking when the ending is not happy... and it hurts the healer as much as the much of heart break could have been saved with a little more concern,..
 when will  we start understanding ,.that heallth is needs care, and only a fool does not know that..!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

cooking up rebellion!!

I became a doctor ..  working  day and night
 to avoid the everyday kitchen  chore plight!

 Cordon bleu chefs  get credit.. and money too..
 But tired plodding women??,..only frowns at the menu..!

 its cold! I hate mushrooms!..says every  whining voice
 my mother made it better..[ is strangling him,a choice?..]

 Mother in her time .. would have heard the same  cries..
 a home cook gets credit ,only after she dies...

 I want my compliments.. before I`m interred
 bake? make lunch? pah! caesarean preferred!

Women brag about their culinary abilities, like men their sexual exploits!.this is my personal belief, though i have always wondered, why not vice versa??? ,.. since the best cooks are male .. and er.... you get my drift!.. ha ha
In india especially, a  woman`s ability to nurture were directly proportional to her ability to create great food... and thus generation after generation plodded on in the kitchen, buying into the idea that a good  WOMAN[ read good wife and mother]should be a cheerful and accomplished cook.[ the accomplished is easy, the cheer is outrageous!]

well this theory worked very well in brain washing women for centuries, including the twenty first! , but a few of us ,[ very miniscule few , mind you!] believe if we have an option,[ like a paid maid!/ or microwave dinners, or a feeding friend ]then we will not cook!...sure, we will watch masterchef, comment on every recipe, like  every man on earth, but one would  refuse to plod and  toil in the kitchen when one could be doing a zillion other things that were more joyous !.

I remember once , when my daughter was playing with her friends [, each of them waxing eloquent about what their moms cooked best] ... my daughter gave it some thought and said..." my mom makes yummy bread and cheese!...".
do i regret it ?? naah!.. i was a hands on mom and for me ,motherhood meant time with her, instead of spent in the kitchen, for her!

I think more of us have to take a stand ,  do things you like  to do more than the things you have to do !.. with a job,.. well it may be a tough choice , but other stuff??
well if you don`t do what you like,.. who will ??